Decrees, anointments, and declarations from the Crown may be found here. I've been called a Queen, but I'm far from it. I've taken what I have darling. I am an Empress!
::E Block::
Finals continue to be a nightmare. Though I do feel fortunate to have take-home paper instead of in-class tests, I’d still prefer not to have to take any. While wrapping up final number three of four I noticed I failed to mail the bill I had intended to post earlier. The bill is due on the 20th and seeing that today is the 18th I thought it would be best to send it with the first mail pick-up located at Covel Commons. Living in De Neve meant that I would have to walk about 300 feet in the Los Angeles-type freezing weather at 2:30 in the morning. After delivering my bill I passed by Delta Terrace and realized I hadn’t been there since my first year of school, about four years ago. Equipped with my R.A. Bruincard of absolute power I keyed into the complex. I came across a door I had to jimmy open in the past to visit a friend, who’s name I have now forgotten, who used to live in the building. Gosh what was her name? I then walked into a lounge similar to the one Kevin, Jon, this other friend who’s name I have forgotten, and I played cards in and thought about how different things now were. I left the complex and wondered how I would get to Ryan and Jamie’s old suite; the suite where they were caught kissing in by random people walking down an external stairwell. When I walked towards the elevator that led back to Covel I looked over my shoulder and saw Kevin’s old window. Kevin and I no longer talk due to who-knows why anymore. Part of me wished we did. A small part of me wished I could do it, as I did it the first time, all over again. I wish for a day I could relive year one of college. Oh well.
Wanting to complete my tour down memory lane I left Delta and climbed that long stairway to Rieber Hall. As I walked in I asked the access control guy if I had to swipe in with him before I used the stairway. He answered with a suspicious yes, my ignorance seemed to set off an alarm in his head and the fact that my Bruincard lit a green “ok” light instead of the red “denied” light confused him a bit more. I explained that I was a RA and had full access to all of the buildings. I still hadn’t noticed how the worlds of my past and present collided. At Delta I was allowed a freedom to explore the structure like I never had before, the old tricks I used to break into the building have been countered by new security systems, though I appreciated my new freedom I failed to take note of why I had it. As I explored the floor at Rieber 2 South I got suspicious looks from various residents who recognized me as an intruder on their floor, but I was comforted by the fact that as a R.A. they couldn’t stop me, again I failedto take note of my temporal crossroad. It wasn’t until I discovered a guy sleeping in the lounge on the floor that my instincts and training demanded that I report the policy violation to the front desk. At that very moment I realized how different things were. Where at one point in my life I would have considered sleeping in the lounge to avoid my sometimes-loud roommates I was now instead was going to report someone esle for doing it. I did pause and question if I should, but after a bit of thought I decided it was in the guy’s best interest. I walked back to De Neve and looked up at my room in Evergreen, the building my friend Owen once called E-Block. I decided I was happy with were I was in life. As I entered my room I thought about how funny life was and how I was so very happy to have my own bathroom. It's funny how things change, but I think its even crazier how things stay the same. I’m not too different from who I was four years ago. I, for the most part, know the same people and, for the most part with little deviation, do the same things. Or do I? I dunno. It is late. I think I’ll think about it tomorrow and probably wonder why I thought about it all to begin with.
Hmm, what was that girl’s name? I think I’ll ask Ryan and see if he knows.
The Crown
posted by Steven @
3/18/2002 05:45:00 AM
Monday  |
Earlier today I busted on my computer and signed on to my university’s on-line records system. I was excited to see that including next quarter I will have completed 180 unites, the minimum amount needed in order to receive a degree from UCLA. Wow! I’m actually going to graduate in four years. It’s so incredible to realize that my years of slave labor have paid off. I sent an email to the Duke about my realization and he asked if he should be sad or happy. I took that to mean that he was sad that I was leaving, but happy for me.
I’ve been dealing with the realization that I’d be leaving my whole life behind in four months time for a while. Though my friend Janelle pointed out that I wasn’t really leaving it behind, that rather I was setting it aside, I’m not sure if I believe that. I know deep inside that if I did return to the US things would not be as I have left them. I know a lot of my friends would be gone. I wouldn’t be surrounded by the same collection of burgeoning minds. I wouldn’t probably even live in Westwood again. I guess those things were destined to happen anyway though. If a cap and gown didn’t force them then the price of rent in that part of the Westside would.
So many changes have happened in the last few years of my life. I guess I’m happy with them though. I’ve learned tons and I’m stronger because of them. I guess I’ll never truly leave the life I built behind. I’ll bring its experiences with me. My “past” life will live inside of me wherever I go. Gosh sound’s like death. No actually it sounds a lot like life. Never completed and constantly repeated until it has time to really begin. Hmm.
The Crown
posted by Steven @
3/16/2002 01:08:00 AM
Saturday  |
::Kung Fu Fighting::
I have had absolutely nothing happen in my life during the past couple of weeks. My little royal behind has been home and in the office typing reports. I just turned in two twenty-page papers. I am totally tired. Next week I’ll have two additional papers due and then I’ll be done for the quarter.
Patrick and I are going up to San Francisco for part of Spring Break. I’m looking forward to getting away and spending time with the Duke of the Debauchery. He and I can run a muck and spread chaos though the great bridge city.
I’m totally looking forward to sleeping in and having time to myself the days after we return home. This past quarter has easily been my most difficult. I thought university was supposed to get easier as it neared education’s end. It wasn’t supposed to try to jump-kick my ass. Bitch better watch out, I hit back.
MTA you’re next!
The Crown
posted by Steven @
3/13/2002 09:29:00 PM
Wednesday  |