Decrees, anointments, and declarations from the Crown may be found here. I've been called a Queen, but I'm far from it. I've taken what I have darling. I am an Empress!
::Post Dated::
I originally wrote a blog for the day I lived twice. This year I had two August 15s and they were each others opposite. One I'll always remember as the day one spectacular life ended and the other when a seed was planted for a new one. I'll say no more. It was difficult to live through it once, I'd prefer not to do it again. This is my third attempt to enter something pertaining to that day(s). The first was a heart felt description of both the pain and joy I felt that day. My computer froze and it was erased. The second abridged version sits locked away on my parents PC in Whittier. This one sits before your eyes. Though I'd like to provide greater insight to my trauma/joy. I can't. It simply hurts too much and I need to move forward. This posting however serves as a marker for that day, one I will not soon forget and doubt I ever could.
The Crown
posted by Steven @
8/30/2003 01:32:00 AM
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