::A Proclamation From the Crown::  

Decrees, anointments, and declarations from the Crown may be found here. I've been called a Queen, but I'm far from it. I've taken what I have darling. I am an Empress!



I was just stood up. I love this day. Oh the sarcasm.

The Crown

  posted by Steven @ 12/12/2003 11:47:00 PM



::Sweet dreams::

The dream is gone. My bubble has burst. The time I wished for and have forsakes has come. I’ve lost my love.

Into the arms of another he goes.
On the lips of another he wants.
In the bed of another he lies.

The pain I feel is gay and beyond description.
Joyous for his happiness I fly with butterflies.
Consumed with sorry I weep on the corner of my kitchen, depressed, sad, confused, and afraid.

My heart cries for distance
My heart cries for proximity, the proximity of his touch, his smell, his breath, smile, and love.

The pride of meeting his parents, the anger of our fights, the sensationalism of our love making, tingles of our memories, the sweetness of his song…memories

I want realities…no more dreams in this surrealistic world of pain and forlorn.
I do not seek self-induced pity, but rather ask for comprehension of the soul.

Good night my sweet-love. Good night my Ryan darling. May good things visit you in the night.

My snoring wont keep you wake.

  posted by Steven @ 12/12/2003 04:27:00 PM


(Weeks ago…I don’t remember when)

::So much for 7:00pm::

Why do I even bother trying? Every time I think something or someone may possibly work out, it fails. I’m sick and tired of boyish bullshit games. Is anyone consistent anymore? Does anyone believe in thorough communication? Does anyone even think about dates that may possibly lead somewhere? Apparently not. Ugh I’ve absolutely forgotten how empty dating life can be.

Doesn’t anyone know how to call and cancel? We’re supposed to meet in what an hour and a half and he doesn’t think to call and let me that he isn’t feeling well? Glad I didn’t prepare dinner and I’m glad I decided to call him before I really started to get ready. As one may have noticed I’m bit agitated. As I have noticed I’m usually irritated at the end of a dating spree. Yes a spree because that is all any of my dates develop into. Anyway, I’m gonna call the lad and see if he wants company since he is too afraid to venture out into the cold. Aren’t I a total dork? Well come on is Friday night and I don’t wanna be home alone. At least this way I can leave if he bores the fuck outta me. Hmmm.

The Crown

  posted by Steven @ 12/12/2003 04:19:00 PM

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