::A Proclamation From the Crown::  

Decrees, anointments, and declarations from the Crown may be found here. I've been called a Queen, but I'm far from it. I've taken what I have darling. I am an Empress!



Elizabeth better mover her ass over cuz there be a new queen in her bay. I’ve relocated my seat of rule Surry Hills to Elizabeth Bay. In short my postcode has shifted from 2011 to 2010, not a large move at all. I’m quite happy with my decision to move. I share a nice older flat with Travis and his two cats. I’ve grown very fond of him and his cats; I’ve grown especially fond of Princess. She’s a diva and a half, but knows how to work it. Conner is Mr. Cool. He sits on his high horse until he’s hungry or wants something. They are both a very welcomed additions to the Court.

I’ve begun working at the Crest Hotel in Kings Cross (about a 5-minute walk from my residence). The job pays well and requires little effort. I’m happy with my life overall.

After dating Robbie the thief, courting Michael the Keen, toying Tim the Greet, and after adventuring with Daniel Lord of Gonorrhea, I’ve decided to pursue a relationship with His majesty of Persistence, Ryan from the West. I’ve been rude to him, pissy and overly candid; and he has continued to come for more. In short I think he’s a winner. We’ve been officially dating unofficially for the past two weeks, though I’ve known him for about a month and half. He really is a wonderful boy and I’m excited about seeing where things go. All of my friends think I should commit myself to marriage, but after two weeks I think it’s better to see where life takes us.

I return to Uni. tomorrow evening. I’m sure I’ll have a blast. I’ll keep my kingdom posted, until then farewell.

The Crown

  posted by Steven @ 3/09/2003 06:16:00 AM

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